Building Farm Roads

Take your farm transport from ruts to real roads

At LT Earth Movers, we have the equipment and the expertise to build farm roads that will get you well on your way to better farming.

Get your produce to market quicker with faster turnaround times.

Prepare for emergencies with easier access to different areas of your farm.

Lower your maintenance bills and reduce the wear and tear on your equipment.

Are you tired of hiring old, uneconomical machines with high fuel consumption?


Build a road to better farming! We build gravel roads for farmers and can do all the base work for tar roads, leaving you to get on with what you do best - making a living off the land.

There's a lot to take into account when building a farm road :

  • viability
  • traffic safety
  • driveability
  • drainage
  • surface materials, and more.

LT Earth Movers will build your road with the right equipment, applying the correct materials in the right order. We'll also ensure that the new farm road has effective drainage, culverts and ditches to prevent water from pooling and causing damage. Building properly from the get-go means that you get a more sustainable road with less maintenance required in the future.


A well-built road means an easier path to farming success. Whether it’s the track from your feed storage to your livestock or the main driveway to your homestead, having a reliable, good-quality farm road can make your country living that little bit easier.

With the continuous fluctuating fuel price in South Africa, farmers can't afford to waste money on uneconomical machines when they have to look at overhead costs and maintain margins.


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